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Behind the Briefcase

My goal is for this webpage to explore the full aspect of what travelling represents. For me, it is the combination of being star struck by the beauty of a location, understanding stories of people past and present, and reflecting on what it means to my life personally. My purpose is to make this page as personal and truthful to my perspectives as possible, and I hope that you will find my stories and experiences entertaining and thoughtful.


I want to to inspire those around me to travel authentically and realize that real memories are made when there is engagement with the community around you - whether it is in your backyard or a foreign country.


However, I find myself still guiltily drawn to the most photogenic spaces. While natural wonders almost always cause a dopamine rush, I know there is much to be learned through conversations and cultural enrichment. I still struggle to follow my brain, which knows that I'll have a fruitful experience lingering longer in one city, living as the locals do, instead of traversing from one destination to the next, hitting the highlights and moving on to the next jaw-dropping thing. 


Perhaps this is the case of the Travelling Beginner - always chasing the new and shiny. I hope that eventually, I would have seen enough to truly appreciate genuine slow travel. 


Therefore, I won't claim that this page will deliver anything besides a raw documentation of adventures and growth of mindset. I'll balance information-heavy itineraries with reflections and stories I have gathered through personal vacations, business trips, and family gatherings. And of course, I'll promise to provide carefully curated Spotify playlists and unfiltered deep thoughts wherever I go. 


Thank you for joining me.



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Why a website?

I believe the best way to grow love for a place is by visiting it. I also believe that the best way to re-visit a place is to share it with others. Therefore, I have been sharing my trips by sending 80 slide power point presentations, or detailed excel sheets through emails. But a website like this can be a place everything can be gathered!


I have loved encouraging my friends to incorporate nature into their itineraries and to visit Taiwan, my home country. However, captions on Instagram and stories on Snapchat fade into memory. The Backpacking Briefcase travel blog is created to be a permanent place where travel ideas and stories can be shared. A place where a community can be built around traveling reflectively. 


Contact us if you have a story to share or would like to be featured!



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